About Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Phek

Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Phek district was established by the ICAR under the aegis of NRC on Mithun, Jharnapani, Nagaland in 2003 to augment the farmers with latest technological knowledge at Porba village in Pfutsero subdivision of the district with the aim of reducing the time lag between technology generation and it's transfer to the farmer's field for increasing production and achieving sustainability. Phek district has an average altitude between 1000 -2500 m above MSL. It falls under Eastern Himalayan agro-climatic zone with temperate climate. Agriculture is the main occupation of the district and about 80.84% of the total population depends on it. Production and productivity of the district is too low than national average.

Thrust Area Identified by KVK for the Phek

  • Introduction of quality livestock germplasm.
  • Vaccination and health coverage measures of pig and poultry.
  • Deworming of mithun at regular intervals and feeding of compounded mineral mixture instead of common salt to mithun
  • Introduction of high yielding varieties of cereals, pulses and oilseeds.
  • Soil and seed treatment.
  • Control of weeds.
  • Introduction of high yielding varieties of fruits and vegetables.
  • Improved production technology of fruits and vegetables.
  • Introduction of biofertilizers e.g. Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Blue green algae, Azolla for nutrient management.
  • Use of suitable plant protection measures against pest and diseases of crops.
  • Proper design of terrace, water harvesting and designing diversions for irrigation and drainage for proper management of watershed area.
  • Introduction of improved storage structure for cereals, pulses and finished products.
  • Development of capabilities of rural youth and women in the field of fruits and vegetables processing and value addition.
  • Adequate and hygienic shelter/housing.
  • Introduction of common carps and other exotic carps in paddy cum fish farming and fish ponds.
  • Strengthening integrated farming system approach with advanced scientific inputs.

Focus areas of the KVK Phek

  • To identify the important problems of that area as per the need of the farmers and prioritization of the identified problems as per their importance.
  • Planning & conducting on farm trial to assess the technologies in farmer’s situation in the district and refine it, if required.
  • Demonstrating new and improved technologies to the farmers as well as to the extension agencies directly in the farmer’s field with their active participation for promotion and large scale adoption.
  • Planning & conducting production oriented need based long and shorts duration on campus and off campus training.
  • Providing training and information about latest developments in agricultural technologies to extension personnel to orient and update their knowledge.
  • Developing and organizing non-formal education programs by way of field days, farm visits, farmers fair, radio talk, film shows etc.
  • Organizing Farm Science Clubs in Rural Schools and Villages to induce liking and interest for Agricultural & Allied sciences in younger generation.
  • Developing and promoting small village organizations like Self Help Groups (SHGs), Farmer Interest Groups (FIGs), Kisan Clubs etc.
  • Developing and maintaining farms and Demonstration Units on scientific lines to facilitate work experience to the trainees and also to put a show case of latest technical know how.
  • Imparting some basic education to rural illiterates and school drop-outs in order to make them not only good farmers but also better citizens.
  • Providing added training facilities in the areas of rural home science and nutritional education for community.
  • Collecting feed back from the farmers and extension agencies and communicating these massages to research scientists for modification of technology.